The person credited with this unit standard is able to distinguish between an emergency and an incident as well as understanding the different types of emergencies that may take place in the workplace. The learners will be able to explain the types of emergency alarms in the workplace, the procedures for responding to them and the methods and procedures which need to be applied in an assembly area after an alarm.
The differences between an emergency and an incident. Types of emergencies including fires, explosions, floods, sink holes, chemical spills and leaks, electrical accidents, natural disasters, mechanical incidents, gas and fume emissions, radiation, bomb threats and possible riots. Effects of these emergencies in the workplace in terms of their impact on personnel health, safety and production from. Types of alarms and the specific response and/or procedure to be followed. The purposes of mandatory, statutory and informative warnings and signs and compliance. Actions of a safety officer in an assembly area; account for all evacuated parties including methods, recording of all parties not evacuated; the impact on people and emergency workers. Procedures to organise emergency teams and speedy response time of and professional service.by mutual aiders. Functions of an emergency control centre; records required of emergency events in terms of regulations and organisational procedures; communication structures at an emergency. Information required to manage the emergency in terms of regulatory requirements and safety of people and property.
The qualifying learner is capable of:
· Explaining different types of emergencies that may be encountered in a workplace.
· Explaining various responses to an alarm.
· Explaining actions required of a safety officer in an assembly area.
· Explaining the functions of an emergency control centre.